A quiet month in January but not without its highlights. As already mentioned in our news letter the most exciting of these was a film shoot at Appleford for Sherlock Holmes 2. No idea if that is its real name but for the purpose of this blog it will have to do!
We also went down to a local Club which was holding a ski weekend. Lots of Porsches, Range Rovers and the like and some slightly sceptical customers! Mind you once they had got the ball rolling and realised just how delicious a spit roasted pig with apple sauce, stuffing and crispy crackling can be the rush was on and the whole pig was soon demolished. The ski weekend theme made us think just how delicious it would be to come down off the slopes having expended all that energy and calories and then tuck into a tasty hog roast. Maybe next year.
The last Saturday in January saw us in Appleford for a wedding for 180 guests. The venue was not without its difficulties, the food had to be taken up several flights of stairs and nothing could be cooked inside. A tiny place to park which just managed to accommodate our lorry containing ovens and with just enough space to cook the pig outside. Still all that running up stairs should have been good for the post Christmas diet!
A couple of machine hires have also kept us busy, so although January has seemed like a long slog of grey and cold weather, Spring is hopefully just around the corner and getting out of bed at the crack of dawn will seem a lot easier when the sun is shining, the birds are tweeting and it might just be a little bit warmer.