It was touch and go as to whether this event was going ahead with the hog roast in Strawberry Hill. We had great debate about the pricing, location and indeed numbers. It is an event that we have done for the last 5/6 years. It is one I have much enjoyed with students starting their next level of education. I am always amazed at the various courses that students enrol for and the variety of topics. The College is between Teddington and Twickenham, and is really in Strawberry Hill. An area that I know well having lived in Teddington previously. We set up early in the morning since service was to start at 11.00-11.30 am. We had been re-located and were outside the indoor tennis courts. This was a better location for our hog roast in Strawberry Hill, s ince it was where the students were enrolling. It therefore made it easier for us to be found. We had previously been in the cafeteria area, next to the Student union’s bar. The set up was all fairly simple since we hopefully knew what to expect. We were ready to be busier because we would be more easily found. As it turned out we were right. It was an area that was more natural and we were indeed busier. I was able to drum up the usual banter. I consoled mothers’ who were waving good bye for the first time. Some were glad to get back the peace and quiet of their home, however some were sad to have an empty chair. I think the former for me. This time the service went on for longer and we fed the hog roast in Str
awberry Hill just short of the 850 students expected. We wrapped up fairly quickly since we had to be up early the next day and back down doing the same thing all over again. This time it would be for 550 or less. The day went smoothly since by now it was a tried and tested route. It looked as if we would be asked back for another year with reassuring mention of ‘ see you next year’….